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About Mohs Micrographic Surgery
The Procedure and Post-Operative Care / The Mohs Micrographic Surgery Process.
Mohs surgery is usually an outpatient procedure performed in a physician's office.
Typically, it starts early in the morning and can be completed the same day, depending on the extent of the tumor and the amount or reconstruction necessary.
Local anesthesia is administered around the area of the tumor so the patient is awake during the entire procedure.
Mohs Surgery Reconstruction- Repairing the Wound The ACMS surgeon is also trained in reconstructive procedures and often will perform the necessary reconstruction to repair the wound.
As soon as the affected area is declared cancer-free, the Mohs surgeon discusses post-surgical options with the patient such as:
* a small, simple wound may be allowed to heal on its own.
* a slightly larger wound may be closed with stitches.
* larger wounds may require a skin graft or a flap.
* if the tumor is very large, another surgeon with special skills may be called upon to assist with reconstruction.
Mohs Micrographic Surgery Post-Surgical Management Post-surgical check-ups are recommended in order to monitor the patient's progress and spot any possible cancer recurrence in a timely manner.
Since two of five patients with one skin cancer will develop another within five years, follow up is extremely important for early detection of any new lesions.
For more info on Moh's surgery and to find out more about the American Society for Mohs Surgery, which Dr. O'Donoghue is a member of, go to